Update 03|17|2020 - Regarding the Coronavirus

In cooperation with our local health department and our commitment to being an example of good citizens, Calvary Apostolic Church of Lawrenceville, IL, will not be hosting our services this Wednesday, March 18, 2020, or this Sunday, March 22, 2020.

Calvary will be providing online services in place of our Sunday services. These services will be available on Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube. The church will be open for prayer Wednesday, March 18, from 5:00-8:00 CST for people to pray on their schedule. Please stay home if you are showing any signs of illness or have been exposed to anyone who is sick.

During prayer time, remember social distancing, no handshaking, etc. Please check on your fellow saints who are vulnerable, sick, elderly, single, or someone the Lord may lay on your heart.

This is a good time to BE the church. We do not have to be in a church building to have church. Take time for family prayer and devotion.

Stay positive, offer hope, eat healthy, enjoy family time, take a walk, or work on a project during your extra time at home.

Call Pastor and Sis Donaldson, Bro and Sis Crossen, or any of our ministerial staff, if you would need special prayer or encouragement. We will continue to monitor the severity of the COVID-19 Virus and will release information for future services when available.

Update from Calvary regarding Coronavirus.

At Calvary, we take the health and safety of our church very seriously. In light of the growing concern about the Coronavirus (COVID-19), precautionary measures have been taken at our facilities. At this time, the government is stating crowds of 250 can still safely meet. We will continue to monitor the appropriate news, government, and health agencies' updates.

What we have done:
-We instructed our staff to increase deep cleaning and disinfect all areas of our church, taking extra precautions to clean and sanitize doorknobs, handles, and high-touch, high-traffic areas.

-We have added additional hand sanitizing supplies throughout the facility and sanctuary, readily available to use.

What we are asking:
-We are asking when you attend services, refrain from handshaking, hugs, and high-fives, for your safety and of our saints and visitors.
-We plan to march and give our offering, rather than pass offering baskets.
-Please continue to welcome, smile, and be intentional to make sure every attendee feels welcome.
-We are asking you please avoid church activities if you or your children are running a fever or are showing signs of viral infection.
-We encourage you to follow the recommendations of health professionals. Especially, take extra precautions and avoid contact with the general public if you:
—Are age 65 and older and have a compromised immune system
—If you currently suffer cardiopulmonary disease
—Or if you have a pre-existing health condition

What you can do:
-Wash your hands regularly with hot water and soap for 20 seconds.
-Cover your cough and sneeze in your elbow.
-Do not feel bad for not participating in handshaking.
-For those who are healthy and strong, continue to be faithful.
-Support the church in your giving during this economical time of fear and crisis. If you are unable to attend, please send your financial support to the church, or give through the church’s web page.
-Stay connected to the church through our church web page and social media pages.

Pray for the following:
Divine protection and healing for all people and especially for our church members.
Wisdom for leaders to take appropriate action for our safety and security without causing panic.
Protection for our nation and church from adverse economic and political effects.
Opportunities to share God’s peace, healing and salvation.

Remind yourself and your family:
-Stay Calm, God is in control.
-Speak Peace in your home and everywhere you go.
-Be an instrument of peace and hope.
-Read Psalms 91

For God has not given us a spirit of fear; but of power and love and a sound mind. (2 Timothy 1:7)

Be careful, not fearful.
Pastor Jason Donaldson

The following events have been canceled: 
Peanut butter egg sales
The Hyphen Rally (03.20.20)
Marrieds Bowling at VU (03.27.20)
Illinois Youth Convention (04.08.20 - 04.10.20)

How Shall We Love?

How Shall We Love?

We live in a society that looks for returns on their investments. This investment idea is that if I give, I should get something in return.


Obviously, this is ingrained in us because we are taught that if I give so many hours of work, I should get the same amount of hours of pay and this is correct. If I give and plant a seed then I should expect to get a harvest and this is correct and etc.

The problem we run into is that this cannot apply to all areas of our lives, and especially when it comes to  how we love.

So how shall we love?

So first of all let's remember the scripture: Acts 20:35  
”I have shewed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive.”

The Bible says in John 3:16 "God so loved the world that he gave..."
It did not say he gave and expected, but rather he just gave.
That's what true love does'; it gives and doesn't expect to get back.

God loved us while we were yet sinners.

There has been, there are, and there will be people who  never serve the Lord.  This did not stop God from coming and paying the price for their sin. 

There are different types of love mentioned in the Bible. One of them is Agape love and another is Phileo love. The two can be defined as;

Phileo: This love speaks of affection, fondness and liking the other. This love is companionable and relational. It’s brotherly and friendship love.

This kind of love is expected, but is not as deep as Agape.

Agape:  A love that gives to someone who is not worthy and expecting nothing in return. Is not based on merit of the person loved, but rather unconditional and based on them as an image bearer of Christ. This love is kind and generous. It continues to give even when the other is unkind, unresponsive and unworthy. It only desires good things for the other and is compassionate.

Agape is a love that gives because it's the right thing to do to be "Christ like". It's an unselfish love that is ready to serve. It is a love that we are required to serve God with and to serve one another with

There are according to Gary Chapman  five basic love languages in his book "The Five Love Languages". These are:

  • Physical touch

  • Words of affirmation

  • Gifts

  • Acts of service

  • Quality time

Let's consider the Agape love that God had for us with expecting nothing in return and do the same with those around us.

Let’s read I Corinthians chapter 13 and maybe we can take one or more of the five love languages and implement them in our lives this month.

After all isn't this "How we shall love"?




What a challenge was spoken into our souls last night by Bro. Bice. Currently Bro. Bice and his wife serve Calvary as the Outreach directors. They do a wonderful job of keeping the church focused on outreach and souls.

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Romans 12:1

We must be invested in reaching this world. We may have to put some things aside to make time for our neighbors, our family, and friends. A huddle is a time to come together and get a game plan, last night CAC was encouraged to get a plan and a purpose for reaching souls!

That the Lord's house may be filled...


Our Hyphen Pastor Bro Josh O’Dell challenged us with a call to fill the house of the Lord.

“And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.” Luke 14:23

Our Hyphen dept. serves in every area of the church. Hyphen is a ministry dedicated to those who are 18-30 who are transition from high school into an adult. Currently they are apart of our ushering staff, Sunday school team, praise team, sound and media as well as active in the youth dept. as mentors and helpers.

Bro O’Dell challenged us that as we grow, we would bless others. Using our gifts and talents to serve others. God’s timing is not according to our watch and He will lead us, guide us and direct us to souls.

“Your personal evangelism starts with being available” - Bro. Josh O’Dell

The Holy Ghost is to fuel your personal evangelism, it starts with me! Let your life be a reflection of Jesus.

How should we pray for our Hyphen Dept.? Pray for an unbreakable bond in our Hyphen Dept.

Our mission for our young people...


On January 12 during our evening service, Zach Crossen the youth pastor of Calvary spoke to the congregation. His address was in regards to the goals for CAC Youth for 2020.

1) We want to help our young people see the mission. They have been called for a purpose & put into position to save this world.

2) We want them to know where anointing comes from. Joseph’s anointing came form his relationship with God.

Prayer for our Bible college students the night they return for their last semester for the year.

Prayer for our Bible college students the night they return for their last semester for the year.



It’s time to go to another level of faith!

“I want to have another level of faith, our faith cannot be based off of human tradition. It’s now or never faith, what do we have to lose if we choose to give everything to Jesus? We need a vision of the expectations of faith we believe the Lord ask for us to have. Sight say’s what it is, but vision say’s what it can be! Jesus is going to be our reward when we keep the faith! We believe that God can do anything!”
- Pastor Donaldson

Prayer Guide By Pastor Donaldson

On January 1st, our first service of the year Pastor Donaldson taught a wonderful lesson about prayer. Below you will find his prayer guide that you can use for your own personal devotional time.

“We need a plan for getting closed to God, laying aside things that separate us from God…”-Pastor Donaldson

Sermon recap:

“Technology is wonderful tool that you can use to listen to the word of God. Allow yourself to have time with the power of the word of God. We need to be engaged with what the spirit is doing in the church. Our theme for 2020, is prayer! Prayer can change everything. We need to have a designated spot and time that we spend time with the Lord”

Pastor's Prayer Guide_2020.jpg