The Opportunity of More
written by Bro. Payne
Job 26:14
14- Lo, these are parts of his ways: but how little a portion is heard of him? but the thunder of his power who can understand?
This scripture text, although spoken by Job in the midst of his loss and calamity, was a beginning for Job. We all know the account of Job, he was a perfect and upright man in the sight of the Lord, feared God, and eschewed evil. But the events Job had recently experienced had taken him to the depths of his life, he was confused and questioning. (Please read the entire chapter of Job 26 at your first opportunity.)
This writing is now, in the course of worldly events and recent history, less about Job, and more about the people of God (Us). We have experienced events no one a short time ago would have thought possible. Purposefully, and methodically, our world is coming to a halt. Things have changed rapidly by worldly standards. We are, largely as a people, confused and questioning, sorting and making determination of our next steps.
Throughout the Bible, we have read and know the promises of God. These promises are sure and steadfast. There is no need to doubt these promises. Keep in mind Job did not have the promises of the New Testament; the comforting words of the Gospels and Epistles are just as real as when the words were penned by the Holy authors. We need not be afraid, nor fear, our God is with us.
Opportunity presents itself in many forms, and with God it is no different. Many is the Pastor who has prayed over his people, praying for the family, and the family unit which the enemy has attacked. Praying strength for those who were distracted by the cares of life, burdened by taskmasters who put job and work before spiritual needs of employees. Prayed for those addicted to drugs and alcohol, and the establishments which cater to those vices, pleading with God to pull people out of the fire and save their souls.
The opportunity before God’s people now is an opportunity. Due to these recent events, many of these prayers have opportunity! Families now have the opportunity to be together more than ever. Workplaces are largely changed as work environments in many cases have become increasingly empty as employees work from home. Establishments which contribute to society in a contrary way to God and his church are now empty.
Is God in control? Absolutely! Is his power on display? Most definitely! The opportunity is now before God’s people to strengthen and perfect the facets of life without many of the distractions of the world. We, as the people of God, have been
granted a time to grow roots deep into the spiritual realm, to have “more” of God than we have ever had before! To move beyond the portion of God we know, and to move into the parts of his ways we have not yet experienced!
What are our opportunities? What will take us into those “parts” yet unknown? God has always made a way, and given his people evidence their steps are in his will. Job was perfect in what he knew, but as we have seen, God desired “more” for him and from him. Here are some opportunities to consider, and pray for our God to show you the path to take regarding these and others:
Use this time to grow “more” in personal relationship with the Lord. Hide the Word of God in your heart to keep sin from entering in. The Spiritual Gifts are there for the seeking. Prayerfully seek the gifts God can use for the Kingdom. Be available and willing to seek the “more”...the parts of his ways you have not experienced yet.
Use this time to make the family unit “more” strong. As we are unable to gather together for services at the church, the home is now the primary spiritual center for the family. When regular Church services resume, the Church family will be stronger because the individual family unit is stronger.
Use this time to encourage one another “more” in our Church family. God has assembled this group of people to accomplish his perfect will. We are strong in leadership, faith, and purpose. Let us not be denied the opportunity to not only be a people of worship and praise, but a mighty army of the Lord’s will and work.
Use this time to do “more” to “shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.” The world is full of hurting and confused people. Many are wondering why, and how they are going to recover. We are in the world with them, but we have an answer they do not have. Our witness of Godly strength and purpose will speak to the heart of the hopeless, and our words of hope will allow the forever drawing spirit of God to reach their hearts so they would be saved. Be available to talk with family, co- workers and friends about what God has done for you.
Finally, use this time “more” wisely. Opportunities can pass as quickly as they arise. This time will pass, and the Spirit is saying to his people,” arise, be strong, do exploits, and enter into my perfect will”. We are the called among living for a reason in this time.
The final chapter for Job is best expressed in Job 42:5. This perfect man, one who God favored, finally saw the opportunity he had previously not experienced; “I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye seeth thee”. Job realized there was more, and received it, and responded to his God with “more”. He then received “more”!